Basically I (f19) have been with my bf (m19) for a year and 5 months. We met online. I found out he lived 7 states away from me and within about 5 months into our relationship and one visit to see if it would work out, I moved in with my bf and his family and left mine behind. 

We love each other so much. He’s my best friend and we do everything together. We are so much alike and I love that him and I can joke around. I love the little moments like when we watch a movie together or cuddle. And I love living with him. Closing that gap was the best thing I did in a long time. But as much as I love his family, I just don’t feel comfortable in their house. I feel as though I take up their space, do little things that annoy them, and so on. I am so grateful for them letting me stay but I want to eventually get a place for me and my bf and my bf agrees.

Recently my mom, who has epilepsy, asked if I could come home for some time as she needs a caretaker for her epilepsy (she recently got a chip in her head and its supposed to reduce seizures but it takes some time to actually work). She can’t drive and she’s worried about having seizures. I want to be there for her but I also don’t want to leave my bf here. It’s been a big dilemma lately and I’ve been thinking about it for awhile. I kept outweighing the pros and the cons but at the end of the day I want to be there for my mother and see my family and still be able to be with my bf.

  I decided to tell my bf that I want to go help my mom out but I also want to stay with him so if he’s ok with it, we can do long distance for a little while I go home, I make some money and then we can try to start putting money together for an apartment. I even offered for my bf to come with me but he’s tied down here with a job and plus he loves his family and doesn’t want to leave them.

 My bf doesn’t like the idea. He thinks I’ll stay longer than I should. He thinks my mom is making it up but I know that she has epilepsy, I saw her have seizures multiple times. I feel like because I chose to go help my mom, he’s mad at me but I know if the roles were switched, he’d help his mom. I also just feel homesick and not at home here. And it especially doesn’t help that his mom is getting involved and making me feel bad for wanting to go help my mom.. 

My bf has been so upset with me lately. Whenever I talk to him he gives dry responses, he won’t sleep in the bed with me, he won’t talk to me. And it hurts. I feel like it’s my fault :(  it’s not like I’m not planning on coming back either.. it’d just be a few months of long distance, and id still visit him within those few months.

 I want for him and I to work out. He said he was going to propose to me. I see a life and a future with him, and I’m willing to make it work. What are your thoughts/ advice on this? Anything would be greatly appreciated ❤️

TLDR: bf is mad that I am going to my home state to take care of my mom/ see my family for a few months but I don’t want the relationship to be over.

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