This is two fold – friends and professional.

When it comes to friends, I'll meet people (school, meet-ups that I go to, ect.) and get to know them. I'll make sure to focus on them, and not talk about myself too much – and usually we'll hit it off because I get along with most people. If I feel like we get along enough, I'll ask for their number and we'll talk from there. We might talk for a few days or weeks, but then I'll text them one day and they won't respond – forever. I can name 10 people this has happened to me with in the past 4 months.

People seem to enjoy my personality and like me.

In business, I would network with people online and they wouldn't want to talk. I thought I didn't come across as relevant enough, so I worked on my acalades. Things have improved, but not by much.

Business networking is a little better in real life, but not by much. I can go into a mixer and command a room in 30 minutes, but few will actually want to talk to me after.

How do I improve my communication? Some people who know me in real life say I communicate well and come off as well put together. Im very lonely because of this and have no friends or business connections because no one wants to talk to me.


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