Struggling with my self esteem for awhile, don't have dating experience. I don't know what it's like to be wanted, kissed….

Lately though it seems like I've been attracting men lusting after me, I don't know if I physically look better because skinnier now, but more muscle from weight lifting.

One guy started staring, talking me up, I don't have experience so I took it as friendliness. He exchanged socials with me, only to a day later say he's attracted to me, and if I'm single. I declined.

Recent guy, quite young, only was interested to be his friend, I too took it as vibing as friends, I was wrong. Can't tell if he was attracted to me or not, but called me a "good looking girl" mind you this guy is super pretty and an athlete so, not surprised he's a player.

He then proceeds to tell me repeatedly, "let's hookup" clearly wanting sex. If I were to hang out with him, I shut him down.

Now I feel bummed, I went from being always a society ghost, to now being lusted after.

I genuinely cannot tell if I'm attractive to these men, or they purely just want me for sex only thinking I'm gonna easy or desperate.

Tl;dr: If you're immediately trying to hookup with a girl, no date, etc is it purely cause you think they're easy, or beneath you or are you genuinely listing after them out of genuine attraction? And not a diss?

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