TL;DR: I want someone special but don't want to cohabitate. Is this a thing? Have you heard it done successfully?

I am a widow and slowly got back into the dating world a year ago. I met someone and it didn't go well. Over the course of 8 months, I was reminded of all the things I hated about being married.

When it's just me, things are put back where they belong. I can eat what I want, when I want, without a discussion with someone else. I can go to bed when I want and not deal with someone else's bedtime routine. I don't clean hairs and toothpaste dribble and all the other things in the bathroom. I can watch what I want. I don't have my ears assaulted all day with sounds of the XBox or PS. I can decorate it how I want. Especially without the "I don't care how you decorate our house" but then the "I don't like that" argument. There are many things I love about living alone.

But, loneliness is a thing. And I miss having someone care about me, ask me about my day, share theirs, take an interest in each other's life. So, I started the dating apps again. (God, it's awful out there.) I met someone and we're talking. I was upfront with them that I'm not looking to live together or get married. I'm happy in my house, with my job, and the volunteering I do in the foster care system.

He seemed accepting of it. We've been talking for 2 months and had 3 dates. (He lives 60 miles away). I hope he's not doing that "Maybe she'll change her mind" thing. But is this more common than I think? Are there other people out there in a happy, fulfilled relationship that live apart? Or am I delusional?

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