My husband and I have amazing sex 4-6 times a week, he likes to be penetrated with toys and I enjoy doing it to him, but every time he's traveling to this city because of work he takes this toy with him, he shaves all himself the day before
and he's just spending 1 night over there and it makes me uncomfortable that he has the need to bring it with, I mean, it's not like he's spending days over there, it's one single night. And everytime I talk about it he gets angry with me, and I don't know if I'm crossing the line and being paranoid for nothing, I just don't think he needs it once we have a healthy sex life, and one night without it wouldn't kill nobody, you know? He's going to work, after a busy day working in that city, he goes there in the evening, have a dinner with his coworkers then a few drinks goes to his hotel room because in the morning he needs to work or go to a lecture and come back home. He really needs to even think about it when he probably is tired as hell after all the traveling? When he is home he doesn't feel the need to use it unless he is with me, and I already told him that he can use it with out me but I don't know why when he is traveling and brings it with him makes me so uncomfortable.

Edit: he sent me a lovely good night message and at the same time I sent him a memory photo of our trip together 1y ago.
He said we had a great time on that trip and he enjoyed every moment of it. I agreed and asked if he was going to sleep (it was 00:30) he said yes, that he was in bed and really tired. His coworker kept drinks for him so he was pooped.

I video called him immediately. 3 times within 12min, no answer.

He said he was in bed, and we're texting for about 3min and when I video called him he just fell asleep?

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