My boyfriend (23m) and I (21f) have been dating for a year and a half. In my opinion I feel that our sex life lately has been very mediocre. We have sex maybe once a week. And that’s just not enough for me. I have a high libido and I could honestly have sex maybe 3 times a week at least. And whenever we do have sex it’s just lazy sex that just leaves me feeling bad. He does make me cum but I just need more. I need the intimate part of it. Another thing is that he won’t eat me out. He did when we first started dating and hasn’t since. I always ask him to and he says he will but never does. And even when I try to initiate or seduce him he brushes me off most of the time. I just don’t know how to bring this stuff up to him. And also when the best time would be. I’ve never been good at expressing when I’m upset. I also just don’t want him to feel hurt. I love him so much but sex and intimacy is really important to me. Any advice?

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