We have only dated for nine months. He is a decent guy. He does little things that makes me smile and seems to really cares for me. But I think he loves me more than I love him.

I'm a pretty independent person. He wants to spend every minute of every day together, which is difficult because we live apart and I value my own space and time. He is super clingy, says he misses me all the time, gets upset when I forget to text good morning. He wants us to share schedules so we know what the other person is doing all the time. He even wants to know when I'm going to the doctor or dentist and he would ask me why I made an appointment or if there's something wrong. I feel like it's an invasion of privacy. Especially since we're only dating.

He really values my opinions on his life choices, but his opinions usually don't really help me. He keeps telling me that I'm perfect and I'm the one but I can't help but see his flaws. He says my presence is really calming, but most of the things he talks to me about are things that stresses him out and in turn it stresses me out, so this calm feeling is not mutual. He doesn't really plan dates because he's perfectly fine doing boring things with me like grocery shopping or errands or even just chilling. But I don't want to spend a day with him "hanging around" doing nothing. It feels like a waste of time.

We already talked about marriage and kids. Because of my age, I wanted to say those things up front. He says he likes kids but if it doesn't work out, he's also fine having no kids because he would be happy with just me. But I don't see the point in having a husband if I'm not gonna have kids. I am very conflicted and I keep coming out of interactions with him feeling like I'm doing something wrong. What should I do?

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