It’s the only thing I can think to do. Like my face is fucked up, but I’ll never be able to afford surgery. So if I lose weight and still can’t pull, I’m literally a lost cause.

  1. Just a couple things

    1. Make sure this weight loss is done in a healthy way. Don’t starve yourself for the sake of getting a boyfriend. Who knows? Maybe cooking healthy food and exercising will become new favorite hobbies of yours!
    2. If you think that one thing will be a cure all, you are ALWAYS going to be disappointed. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
    3. Work on other things also. There is a clear self esteem issue here and people can feel that. I’m not saying you have to absolutely adore yourself by any means, but if you think you are a lost cause then everyone else around you is going to think the same thing. Lose weight because you’ll feel better at a healthy weight, NOT just to get a boyfriend.

  2. Why is your self worth tied to acquiring a random person’s dedication? That should not be a form of validation.

  3. Well, as long as you’re working on things, having an entire post history almost solely dedicated to how miserable you are because of your looks also suggests some serious mental issues. So therapy might be good if it isn’t already part of the plan.

    You aren’t going to be able to make good decisions or good plans if you can’t think clearly. And the severe lack of self esteem will probably make you vulnerable to toxic personality types in partners when you do find one.

  4. I’ll tell you right now that weight loss won’t guarantee to improve your love life.

    You’ll get more attention, sure, but you’ll just end up with more bs to sift through. The amount of genuine people looking for a LTR won’t change much.

    Do it for yourself. To be healthier and more confident in yourself. The confidence is what will attract good men.

  5. I feel this honestly 😞.
    You got this! Regardless of anything else, you will eventually find someone
    Focus on yourself, do what makes you happy plz. If losing weight makes you happy then be safe about it and do it, otherwise don’t.

    What do you mean your face is fucked up? People all have different features, and insecurities, so I’m sure no matter what it is there is someone who will look past it and see you for you

    In other words I believe in you!

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