To cut a long story short I'm fed up and out of patience with living near people. Currently I live in a single family home but the lot is just 10 meters (11 yards I think) wide so really no privacy or space to the neighbours on either side.

The tipping point is that the house with the quiet retirees to the right has been sold to a family that turned up with 4 pick up trucks, a big a** bluetooth speaker, and an industrial jackhammer that immediately was put to use all day every day for what is now 3 months of ongoing renovations meters/yards from my house (just had to get that out of my system…).

I live in Argentina, where, to cut another long story short, 50% of the population is cramped up around Buenos Aires leaving a huge country (and huge amount of land) practically empty outside of BA. I kind of feel suffocated by so many people at times (I grew up in a village in Scotland so it's quite a change..).

I find myself looking more and more at lots of 7-10 acres in rural areas, just looking to get more of my own space, distance from other people, and peace and quiet (not expecting silence but at least the less noise that comes with distance to other people). Maybe somewhere to grow vegetables, maybe some animals etc. Have somewhere I can connect with nature more.

I work from home, my wife is retired. No kids (none planned for the future). I'd be all for it if it wasn't for my wife who would love the peace and quiet but I think would struggle with the distance to the city and the culture and activities that comes with it.

I guess I'm just curious to see if anyone has made a similar move to a rural area and what has been the pros and cons?


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