What’s that one stupid thing you did several years ago that randomly pops in your head at night?

  1. The time we set fireworks off inside

    Shattered multiple windows, gave my friend really bad 3rd degree burns and we had to take him to the hospital and explain what happened, caught parts of the living room on fire and scorched a lot of the walls

    And it wasn’t even our house, was an airbnb

    Thankfully it wasn’t in my name when we rented it LOL

  2. Snuck a guy into my house, sorry, my fathers house. My room is right next to my dads and I was there sucking dick 🥲

  3. When I was drunk and tried to unlock my bicycle and started swearing because it wouldn’t unlock but then it was the wrong bicycle..

  4. Let my now ex talk me into giving him another chance. Had I walked away then, right now would look a lot different.

  5. Dating a dude who was insistent that I have an open relationship with him and who wanted me to have his kids as an old fashioned girl vs boy stereotype (also the open relationship was definitely one sided) glad I’m not that dumb anymore

  6. On the last day of a job I had (in marketing) that I both quit and was let go from back in 2016, my 3 male bosses walked me to my car and there was an awkward moment of Should I hug these dudes because I did learn a lot from them? Or nod professionally and leave? I chose the later but was awkward af. I was carrying a little cactus I had had by my desk and when I opened the car door, it fell and I instinctively reached out to catch it… and caught it I did. Upside down. Needles all in my palm. That I had to use to drive a steering wheel.

    I tried to play it off like nothing happened and ended up driving the whole way home while attempting to pull the tiny needles out.

    Not sure they ever knew. But I know…

  7. Sold my mom’s house for way under its value. And now WAY under its value (although we couldn’t keep it for years anyway, for housing prices to now be as stupid as they are).

  8. Oh god… So many things.

    back in 6th grade I shared some candy with a boy I liked in my science class, it was the first time he ever noticed my existence and I was so excited. I let him have some of my candy, but only the ones I didn’t really like anyway LMAO. A month later I was like, “Okay, I can’t let him forget about me! I think I should just go for it and try to flirt with him so that he knows I want to be friends and maybe get married one day.” LMAo. So I walked up to this poor guy and was like, “You owe me candy.” I thought that teasing him in a sort of bullying way would be really cute and it would get him to like me? But I kept stuttering. So he kept saying, “what?” and then he eventually called me a stupid ass and then proceeded to bully me for the rest of the year during class. During a presentation? He’d be talking mad shit about me right in front of me. My poor 6th grader heart was crushed and all I could think when I looked at him was, “It’s a shame you’re cute, because you’re annoying af” lmao XD

  9. How can I be worried about that one stupid thing I did several years ago when I’m always so worried about the last stupid thing I did several hours ago? I cured my acute anxiety by always being too anxious to care. Boom. Checkmate, therapy.

  10. Accidentally called my male professor a dominatrix in a small communications class freshman year of college. Literally still cringe about it sometimes 🥴 I didn’t even know what a dominatrix was, I was trying to say that he had a dominant personality.

  11. In 8th grade, a girl in class asked if I could _lend_ her a tissue. I gave her one, and said “Don’t give it back”, as an attempt to make a spiritual joke because she said “lend” instead of “give”.

    People laughed at me about that for a few days and I was really confused.

    It took me weeks of ruminating to realize that they understood “You owe me one”, as it sounds very similar in my language. They were laughing at me for demanding the girl to repay for that one tissue.

    🤦🏻‍♀️ hopefully everyone involved forgot except me.

  12. The one time I said the n word hard R in second grade because some kid told me it was a nice word.

  13. When I was a stupid, loud mouth teenager, I asked someone if his accent was Irish and he said “no, New Zealand” and I said “it’s the same thing.” And he got really annoyed. I don’t even know why I said it except I was mad at being wrong or something? But I cringe about that every six months or so.

  14. All the times I didn’t understand a social situation and figured it out later on

  15. Accidentally walked into the mens restroom at a childrens hospital.
    I didn’t even realize I was in the mens room until I finished washing my hands and saw the urinals..
    I got out of there as fast as I could.

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