I (24F) have a new boyfriend (30M) and he’s great. We communicate well and also have the same values. I can tell he is genuinely in love with me and he does so many little things for me as well as takes me out on nice dates etc. I love his personality and he’s gorgeous. We plan to go to Thailand next month and maybe travel the world together in a few months.

He has spent the last 2 weekends drinking a lot and being on a bender, staying out all night, doing drugs etc. I drink maybe 3 drinks on a night out and go home apart from the occasional crazy one. I don’t mind him partying bur it’s the fact he takes it far every single time. I don’t hear from him, he wakes up and complains about it, says he will change and then does it again. He went out for a drink or 2 with his friends last night, ok cool. But I haven’t heard from him since and now will have to call him after work to check up. It puts me off a bit, especially when he says so much how he wants to do it less – just do it less then? The hangover/day after affects him so badly. I wouldn’t say he is an alcoholic as he is sober most of the time and just seems to be an all or nothing person when drinking. My last ex was a drug addict and I just don’t want to fall in previous patterns. I’m not sure what to do – do I bring it up? I don’t want to argue. I was thinking maybe if I just stop contacting him (as he hasn’t contacted me all day) would that be a good enough sign?

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