After nearly three years of dating I’ve found myself feeling very traumatised and depressed.
Every man I have ever dated/spoken to had a pattern of love bombing me, using me or trying to use me for physical intimacy and then immediately dropping me. I was told I was the love of their lives, dream person, they never want to lose me, they’re scared of me leaving, they want to marry me only to be ghosted after they got what they wanted out of me. This has led me to become extremely afraid of men. I’m actually terrified of them. The way they’re so good at lying and manipulating me to get their way scares me. It hasn’t only been a few of them who did that either. It was every single one of them. I tried to give everyone a fair chance despite being burnt before but I got punished every time.
I feel used and I have no interest in ever going near a man again. I’m absolutely terrified of interacting with them. Being repeatedly love bombed and then subsequently abandoned has completely broken me as a person. It has inflicted so much psychological damage on me that I had to go to a therapist and have anti depressants prescribed to me. I have given up on dating altogether since all it does is cause me nothing but pain and misery.

How do I accept the fact that I will be alone for the rest of my life?
How do I deal with the isolation that comes with being surrounded by couples whereas you’re never anyone’s priority?
How do I suppress the intrinsic human desire for romantic connection?
How do I manage to not view myself as worthless for never being enough for anyone to commit to?
How do I bury my dream of finding love and companionship and someone who enjoys my company?

I would love to hear from other people who have given up on dating and finding someone!

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