So she and have known each other for about 4 years it’s only recently that we’ve gotten back in touch and started dating outside our friendship to see if could be something more. She’s black and I’m white and rightfully she worries over me fetishizing her because of her shape and how sexually attractive she is. We haven’t had sex yet but we’ve made out very passionately and felt each other up on a number of dates. She’s made it clear to me that when she gets back from her business trip, she’s going to pack a bag when she comes over.

Her shape is incredible but I worry a lil bit about how big her ass is. I’ve got a good measure on me so there’s wiggle room. She more than fits the physical archetype of women I am sexually attracted to and I’ve had plenty of sex with other women who have lots of back but this is one tbh smh I’m a lil afraid of I’m in love with the dimples bounce and voluminousness but I need some advice on what positions would be best for full penetration otherwise I’ll have to either look up pron for research or consult the kamasutra. This beauty she carries around I worry about taming and saddling.

Another item is whether to go raw or wear a condom. I loathe condoms hate them with every fiber and they always either break or slip off. We have talked about how we like it and she has been transparent that she loves cum and wouldn’t mind if I came in her, but she’s not on bc. I would love to do that but I can’t be a dad right now. Should I go ahead and get a Plan-b or wait? Make a passing remark on it or that I have to go by CVS for something else and would she like me to pick one up?

Another slight concern is that she likes violence paired with sex and that she goes in expecting to be smacked across the face called names bitten and her ass to be slapped raw. Ok so my violence is typically focused 100 on the vagina and I’ve never slapped a woman Im having intercourse with. Maybe because I worry about the consequences or that I’ll really like it. She has a healthy hardline against anal which is fine and not par for my course or even a curiosity.

Should I make a suggestion on maybe safe words? I’ve never done any S&M but smacking someone across the face I’m making love with seems close.

Definitions of our relationship, not a topic that’s been brought up and I’m really falling hard for her and to be honest don’t want to be diminished as her fuck buddy whenever she needs to get off. I don’t care how beautiful her ass is or the fact she’s been on a runway. I don’t want to be the guy in Bright Light Big City who’s out at 3 AM after hardlining alcohol and Bolivian marching powder wondering why he wasted so much time on his lost live. My question really is should I ask or bring this up before sex or after while we’re dwelling in the pink cloud of seratonin and nitrous oxide.

Another thing is I am the first white man she has ever slept with. Maybe I’m putting too much a cadence on my boudoir performance and not enough on other things but for me physical chemistry is super important.A good fuck is a good fuck and I’m hoping she isn’t over expecting. I’m not that vanilla.

Sorry if I was blathering about but I’m just trying to get all this shit on the table.

Thanks y’all

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