My (20 F) girlfriend and I (20 M) have been together for a year now. She wasn't like this at first but slowly she's become very sensitive to my words, if I try and express myself it just gets turned into me hurting her feelings but she'll consistently use more blunt and aggressive verbiage when she's upset with me. Becoming very aggressive in arguments and making me feel like a bad guy. When she tells me something that I'm doing and I explain how I feel or why she'll either get defensive/aggressive or just shut down. I think she's been hanging out with some not great friends because she's gone against my word multiple times and been out later than she said or just is not communicating well. She has repeatedly said before that she doesn't deserve me and how important I am to her.
I'm not perfect by any means but I pulled her out of a bad mental state and support her as best as I can. But again lately she's not been the sweet girl I fell in love with. Is this maybe self sabotage behavior or just something strange??

TL;DR girlfriend has become more sensitive and takes everything I say in her own way or the worst way possible and turns it into me hurting her feelings, I don’t know what I should do.

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