What is the best way to gain much energy in a short time. For example: I need more energy before a soccer game.

  1. Cocaine.

    Not a GOOD idea, but it’s probably the best way to give you a bunch of energy, quickly.

  2. Keep hydrated and have a healthy diet. Takes 2 weeks on average for your body to adjust. Once that happens then your energy levels are through the roof all day.

    If I need energy quick, I could use a gel, often during long running sessions or when I’m doing a Spartan Race or something. But if I know I’m playing sports the next day, which I do often, I eat differently the night before and throughout the day.

  3. Get in a lot of oxygen; hype your bro’s; shout a lot; jump up and down and chest bump.

  4. Sun, food, sugar, caffeine (though that doesn’t give energy just stops you feeling as tired)

  5. 3 Bear Honey and Hershys Chocolate…big bar. Drink the whole bottle of honey. When I was wrestling in HS I had to make weight…230 to 180. They don’t do that anymore. But I had no energy for a three round match. After I weighed in, I would do this. Gave a boost for that matches. After the meet, id go get three hamburgers. This was 60 years ago.

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