I know this might sound silly, but I get extremely triggered by his ex-girlfriend. He cheated on me with her during our relationship, but I gave him another chance because I loved him too much to let go. Every time I see him using that mouse she gave him, it brings back all those painful memories, and it makes me feel awful.

I've mentioned several times that I don't like him using it. He promised he wouldn't, and since he received a new, very expensive mouse as a gift, I thought he would stop using the old one. However, after he moved to another country, he posted a picture of his setup, and I noticed he was still using his ex's mouse.

This led to a massive fight that lasted for days. I told him how hard it was for me to give him another chance and how much it hurt that he was still using that mouse after promising he wouldn't. It made me feel sick and undervalued in his life. In my frustration, I told him it was either our relationship or the mouse.

He sent me his address, asked me to order the new mouse, and then asked me to pay for it. I was furious. It made me feel insignificant, both emotionally and financially. I don't earn much, and the amount I make in a year is what he earns in a month.

I know this might sound confusing and childish, but it really bothers me that he was still using that mouse and lied to me about it.

P.S. He did eventually buy another mouse and sent me the money back, but the whole incident has left me feeling very bad about myself. The fact that I had to fight for so long over something that deeply affected me just feels incredibly disheartening.

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