I try my best to help people. I genuinely want the best for everyone and I avoid making accusations, insults, etc.

I work a desk job as a software engineer, and if I see something at work that i suspect is not done correctly, I reach out to the person in private over chat message and try to understand their work before making any assumptions or jumping to any conclusions. If I think they made a mistake, I kindly let them know I noticed what I believe is a mistake (and why) so they can fix it before they actually send it out. I don't like to "punish" people by publicizing potential mistakes.

People completely ignore me though. All the time. Even my own boss does. It's gotten to the point where almost no one responds to my messages.

Even when someone does their work wrong and it starts to affect other people, I offer in private again to help fix it, but that offer almost always goes ignored as well. I don't say "I told you so" or anything to that effect. I just reach out again and offer help to fix it.

I feel like quitting because I know people legitimately hate me, but I want to know what I am doing wrong? Am I supposed to just be quiet? Our team as a whole (not me in specific) gets yelled at for making mistakes, so I am trying to help them avoid these issues, but I am ignored and people clearly don't like me.

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