This is a story about me (M23) and another (M23)

Hi. I recently (like a little over month ago) met a guy who is one of the most beautiful guys I've ever seen. We have been on a couple of meetings and for me it was fine talking with him and hanging out.

We used to text each other good morning and goodnight texts everyday. We even got to play a game i suggested and he said he liked it. I thought things were going nicely.

I think things took a wrong turn when I had a sleepover at his place, it was nice, nothing crazy, but when I tried to iniciate cuddles he said sure, but then proceeded to look at his laptop. I still tried to hug him but he didn't make any space or didn't even move at all so I thought he was uncomfortable, felt dumb and stopped.

Later on I started to think that my presence bored him somehow, but he assured me that its not true and said that he'd be doing the same things if I wasn't there. To be fair we did call it a chill out sleepover, but I still felt pretty bad.

We had our last meeting on 30/08 (08/30 for Americans), and I wanted to talk to him about the hug situation because I felt bad. And so I brought up the topic and he kinda dissmised it saying that he doesn't even remember this situation.

Fast forward a few days, and the good morning and goodnight texts stopped, after our meeting he almost stopped texting me altogether. Maybe he's busy, but I dont think one can be that busy that they don't find time to text you back. As they say "if he wanted to, he would", a pity he doesn't want to but I cannot force him.

My question is, how do I forget about him? I'll be honest I'm not the pretties person out there, and maybe because of that it's hard for me to forget someone that was getting closer to me. But nevermind that, I just want to stop thinking about him and maybe even delete him from my IG. Any advice (and I mean you can be mean if you want, maybe I need a reality check) is welcome.

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