Three job offers pay is all about the same, none offer insurance but claim the pay covers that:

Job 1
-new company, 2 years old.
-I’m the oldest one in the company
-great superb quality work
-language barriers that may take a little bit to get past (not Spanish, Swedish I believe?) half the management is bilingual though so that can help
-offers company truck and gas card for truck
-small company all close
-still growing and wants to eventually have their company do all the work vs subbing it out
-wants me to do hiring and training and running the jobs
-good work reviews , no employee reviews
-5 day work weeks
-1 hour from home (avg for where jobs are )

Job 2
-more established company, 8 years
-owner is older and wants to find someone to rework the whole company
-request I hire and fire and train new employees
-no truck or gas card
-wants to offer me more money after I prove I’m as good as they think
-good work reviews mixed employee reviews
-4 days a week but 10 hour days
-seems to have decent quality, more outside work
-1 hour from home (avg for where jobs are)

Job 3
-established company 13 years but work is lower quality so not sure how much work they really have available, one reason they want to hire me
-closer to home
-no trucks
-wants me to help rework the company, hire, train, and help improve speed and quality
-possible language barrior looking at the current workers but not sure as it was not mentioned unlike job 1 told me there was
-5 day work week

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