My gf and I have been together for a few years now. We both love video games, but I’ve had a hard time finding stuff to play together that we can both enjoy due to our differing interests.

She likes cute, laid back slice of life games like Stardew Valley, Pikmin, Animal Crossing, and artsy indie games on the Switch. She really only likes easy to pick up for anyone kinda games. To put it into perspective, she couldn’t make it passed the intro to GTA V.

I like RPG, single player, awesome story, and more on the challenging side kinda games like Dark Souls and Code Vein as well as FPS/TPS stuff like Doom and Helldivers.

We’ve already played It Takes Two and loved it. I’m just having a hard time finding games we can play together other than Stardew Valley, Minecraft, and Animal Crossing.

Any recommendations y’all?

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