Me (22F) and my fiance (27M) have been together for a bit over 5 years. We moved in together 8 months into our relationship, and we have always shared a bed. My fiance is a huskier man and we are both quite tall. Somehow, we slept in a SINGLE, then a full, and about a year ago, family donated a king bed to us. Over that time, we found that I have a hard time regulating my body temperature, especially in cold.

I bought the bed sets (one for winter and one for summer) and asked if we needed a throw or another quilt. My fiance said no because "in the winter, we can cuddle and I get too hot in the summer, so I won't need a blanket." Well, that was less than true… He is always too hot as we go to sleep, so he has the fan on, aimed right at us. I have a hard time sleeping at the best of times, so having the fan on my face makes it that much worse.

I've tried putting the fan on a timer to turn off about 2 hours after my fiance falls asleep, but he wakes up within 15 minutes and turns it back on. I've tried firmly holding my side of the blanket, but then he just takes it back. I've tried getting him his own blanket, but it gets kicked off because he's too hot. I've tried giving him the sheet and hogging the quilt, but then he's too cold and we end up swapping.

I've been getting little sleep at night because of this, and I've been getting very irritable. I woke myself up last night by yanking the quilt back after my fiance had taken all but a corner to his side. It woke him up too because it was so aggressive, and he was a little miffed. He's the breadwinner, but I've been trying to get a job to pitch in. I've missed an interview due to sleeping through my alarms, and I would have missed 2 if the other wasn't a phone interview. My fiance also regularly wakes me up around 6:30am to say bye and give me task requests for the day. Sometimes I can fall back asleep for 45 minutes until I need to feed the cats (the let me KNOW!). However, most of the time I'm just up for the day. Given this is posted around 0030 and still coherent, you can imagine how late I'm up whether I want it or not.

TLDR:: I'm always cold at night and my fiance steals the blanket. Despite many amendments being tried, nothing works, and it is taking a toll on my emotions and career prospects.

Edit: when I say we swap "blankets," I mean, we share at first, but he ends up taking most or all of the quilt, leaving just enough sheet for me to pull it out for me

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