Hi all! Need an opinion or advice. My boyfriend gets a rash after everytime we have sex! The rash looks like red bumps. Some look like red little pimples. The rash is right about the penis area and sometimes at the base of the penis. This has been happening for almost 10 months now.
The rash usually appears about 12-24hours after sex. He has tried hydrocortisone and antibiotic ointment but it doesn’t seem to help. He’s been to urgent care twice and tested for STDs but he was negative.
He has herpes, and he was once prescribed valacyclovir for 7 days, but it didn’t seem to do much for the rash.
For some more context, if it’s not too tmi, we’ve thought that it might be ingrown hair or friction rash as i usually do ride him, but is it possible this would happen weekly? The rash appears whether we’re clean shaved, stubbly, or not shaved for a few days. We’ve tried lube to avoid friction but it doesn’t help. Also, I’ve never had any symptoms.
If anyone has any advice or tips about what this could be, please let me know! We’re willing to try anything before going to a dermatologist which is rather expensive. Any suggestions?

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