Hi, my partner is from another country and we are having a few strange issues.

We are together 5 years, married 1 year.

  1. they have a house in the other country
  2. they have a bank account there, which somehow pays for it, even though there wasn't any income- and money cannot really be sent from bank to bank.

In this country all our bank business is shared, same account, mortgage under us both etc.

In their country it isn't.

  1. we had some talks about the house in the other country, and they didn't seem too eager to sell it
  2. Once per year, I addressed this issue again, yet still no real action
  3. After 5 year, addressing it, things got a bit heated as it was just very unclear how things were being ran over there and how they were paying for the apartment if its not rented out.
  4. 1 week after I address this topic – they tell me: I just found out the apartment is rented out illegally by another person they know. So we try to solve the issues etc etc. (somehow the cost of electricity/water/gas weren't increased they say)
  5. Now, they came to me, and said their bank account in said country was hacked. But this was a month ago already. When I ask them sightly upset why tell me only a month later, and I get told: because you reacting like this, and I didn't want to tell you etc etc.

I tried to write everything as factual as possible, but would like to hear your opinion on the situation, knowing as little as I do. All our finances except the other country things are shared. So it concerns me.

Reason I post here, is because it feels not like honest communication to tell something major like account hack only a month later, then blame it on the reaction.

What is your opinion?

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