I live a fulfilling life that I really enjoy and I’m happy. I’m really struggling to get over a girl. I’m 28(M) and have been dating since October, 2023. I’m an attractive guy, in shape, great career, solid personality, and have no issues with getting dates.

Since October I’ve been on dates with about 70 women and have had 2 quality connections. One of those connections changed everything. Four months ago I met an amazing woman, we instantly clicked and everything was amazing. Roughly 2 months in I pushed for a relationship thinking she wanted the same because we talked about getting serious, and that killed things. I know, rookie mistake, but I’ve never had a connection like that before and wanted to pursue it further. She ended things because of that. That sucked, but whatever I’ll move on.

Now, It’s been roughly two months of no contact. Even though I have dated and slept with other girls I still think about her everyday. I’m struggling to make connections with other girls because I can’t get over her and am thinking about taking a break from dating. I have scrubbed everything from my life that reminds me of her and she still lives rent free in my head. I know it’ll get easier overtime but I’ve never pined after a girl like this before. What should I do?

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