Women, how do you feel about shaking hands with men? Like it, hate it, or indifferent?

  1. Indifferent. It’s just a handshake. Unless it’s one of those weak ones that feels like a clammy limp fish. I hate those handshakes 🤢

  2. Indifferent for the most part. Some men give a limp shake with me but a firm shake with the men around me. Other men try and crush my hand as an act of dominance which is more of an indicator of their personality than anything.

    Either way, handshakes definitely are a good first impression.

  3. Indifferent. I’ll shake if offered but I’m not going out extending handshakes. It’s not a natural greeting to me and tbh I’d prefer to avoid touching other people.

  4. I’d rather not shake hands with anyone.
    A lot of people don’t wash their hands properly or at all.

  5. I shake hands without any issues depending on the context but I am not particularly into touching people for greeting unless they are very close to me, because it just feels unnecessary.

  6. I hate handshakes in general 😖 I have clammy hands so I don’t go for a strong handshake because I don’t want to disgust anyone. Then it ends up being a weird handshake when I’m just wanting to wriggle out of it 😭

    Long story short, I prefer a nod. Thank you very much

  7. Yeah I’d hoped Covid would kill handshakes. A simple nod is better. Aside from the germs, there are too many unspoken expectations — power plays, judging, etc. Just no

  8. Have never thought about it. I work in a male dominated field and frequently shake hands with men and work with 99% men daily

  9. I love handshaking cus I have a really nice firm handshake for a woman and usually women hands are pretty weak and it’s especially funny when I shake a man’s hand and it just folds into mine like a soggy taco. 

  10. Indifferent. But I hate people who do that one finger tickle inside your palm mid handshake.

  11. I don’t shake hands with anyone, no matter what gender they are. It’s a silly, antiquated custom and an excellent way to spread germs.

  12. Just feels like a normal professional interaction with me. The only time I hate it is when I shake hands with one of those guys who likes to squeeze your hand really hard to hurt you in what I assume is a show of dominance.

  13. Unless it’s landing me a new business opportunity I don’t shake anyone’s hand. I’m much happier never touching anyone

  14. it’s literally just a handshake. why are we overanalyzing shaking people’s hands now.

  15. I hate shaking hands in general because I have hyperhydrosis so my hands are just about always sweaty. Been that was since I was a kid. Bring it up with doctors and they just shrug and do nothing so… I just avoid touching people for the most part.

  16. I don’t personally care. But I guess I have a strong and firm handshake. And I guess that’s not always viewed as lady like so I have gotten comments on it.

  17. I prefer not to, but will out of politeness. If it were up to me, there would be no touching in greeting or leaving.

  18. I hate it when men try to break my hand. It’s incredibly rude and I think if you’re a man who does that, you’re unhinged. It doesn’t make you look macho to give a woman a death grip handshake, leave that shit for your toxic bro coworkers.

  19. I don’t know, in my country we usually greet people with a hug and a kiss, but I don’t have any problems with that (honestly I would feel weird shaking hands just because is culturally unusual).

  20. I hate shaking hands with anyone because people be nasty. And I am also aware that most men don’t wash their hands after using the restroom.

  21. I love getting my hand shaken like my hand will instantly crumble into dust if even the slightest amount of force is applied

  22. My dad taught me to shake hands when I was a young teen! He was an epic girl-dad. I’m an enthusiastic participant in a firm handshake & a warm smile.

  23. It’s normal and a professional greeting. If you are not into hand shakes, you might want to consider your profession carefully.

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