I(22F) recently got ghosted(not ghosted literally, but started being treated differently) after I refused to meet a guy in private, someone I had been talking to (we were not dating)

I know what I did was right and everything, but I really admired him but am sad it turned out this way. I tend to get very attached to people. It’s been a few days but I still feel terrible. I kind of miss him too.

  1. I don’t get it.

    You have never met this person and he wanted to meet you in private for the first time.

    Is that right?

    If so, he doesn’t care about you.

    A guy would do EVERYTHING to make a girl feel comfortable on a first date if he likes her.

    This includes meeting her in a safe environment

    If he isn’t aware or capable of that, he doesn’t care about you.


  2. You simply have different interests and therefore do not fit together. Totally normal, totally fine, will happen many times in your life. Don’t worry too much about it, you did the right thing for you.

  3. The fact that he would treat you like this means you absolutely made the right decision. Give it time and you will get over it. You deserve to be treated better.

  4. Don’t meet people in private. If they want to meet, make them meet you in a public place

  5. I’ve been in that exact same situation you were most likely being catfished. the reason they wanted to meet in private is so when you freaked out they weren’t embarrassed or because they had ill intent and didn’t want to have witnesses. Good thing you followed your instincts, always meet in public for the first time.

  6. Yea something ain’t right….

    He wanted to meet in private for the FIRST time and then put distance after you suggested a public meeting? He had an inappropriate agenda. ALWAYS meet in public for the first and second date. Maybe even a third if need be. Killers are all around us.

  7. Even if it wasn’t a ludicrous request like asking a woman to meet a strange man in private, his behavior at not getting his way is less than admirable.

    Let’s say he said “Let’s meet at McDonalds” and you said “How about Burger King?” and he then got all weird and distant… not a good look.

    THEN add in the fact that he expects someone to just believe a random internet stranger to ***not*** be a cannibal clown cult murderer from the fourth moon of Saturn? He must have hit his head when his space ship landed. Creep.

  8. Proud of you for sticking to your decision. It can be so dangerous to meet in private settings. Try not to feel too bad about it. You have no idea if that person had a different side to them and not being able to oblige to something minor is such a red flag. The person he made you like could be just made up just to get you to go over

  9. Did you feel uncomfortable around that guy? If so, you shouldn’t feel bad about it. You’re doing it for your own safety

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