Hey everyone, ill make the story short. GAD and somatoform disorder basically broke my body and i dont know how to use it anymore. Im having problems getting a full erection. When i was a kid, or a young teen before all of this i remember, i got an erection and blood was just flowing in more and more till a point where there was so much blood in my penis that it "closed up". It felt like closing a valve or something. This is the point i can not reach anymore.

Now i did therapy and im working on letting go and feeling how my body feels without getting scared but do i actually have to do something to get to that point again im regards to, do i have to feel a certain muscle, or a certain nerve? I know that in the base of the spine there is a nerve which i can feel that relates to erections, the ring like muscles around the shaft, the area below the belly button etc. It all has something to do with getting erect but i dont know on which i should focus and increase the energy or feeling going through, or should i not try to feel certain areas.

The only time i came close was recently while still in sex therapy, where i was laying on the couch, legs in an upper position, i was pushing my hips back and forth, moving my head left to right and doing deep breaths. Then somehow i got this feeling of blood rushing in again and this feeling of closing on the front of my shaft but this somehow scared me so it went away instantly.

What happens in your body when you get an erection, how does it feel, what do you focus on?

Thanks so much

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