This is advice from a 30 year old guy who does very well on dating apps and has gone on a lot of successful dates with women in the age range of 21 – 28.

Obviously, this doesn't apply to EVERY woman, but from my experience, this is generally what most of them are attracted to.

First off, it's all about what women want when they're dating you.

For the most part, the number one thing that women want is just to be able to turn their brains off and have a good time.

If you, as man, can help a woman achieve this state of being (of just being a girl), then women will be attracted to you.

That means:

  • Planning out fun dates for her
  • Opening doors, pulling her chair out, guiding her through streets, etc.
  • Footing the bill
  • Driving her around
  • etc.

Basically, you want to be able to help her tap into her inner, carefree child again.

This is where the whole thing about being masculine/confident comes into play. When you take on the role of making decisions, then you take all the mental exhaustion away from her (that's accumulated through day-to-day things like work, drama, etc.), and you become a PROVIDER. Being a provider was never about being rich or having a lot of money (it does help though), it's about being able to help women not have to worry about the little things and just enjoy life to the fullest.

The thing that I think most men struggle with, especially when it comes to making decisions like planning dates, choosing where to go eat, etc. is that they're somewhat insecure that their woman won't like what they suggest (or they just don't care at all which is even worse), but that shouldn't be something you worry about. If she doesn't like what you've planned, then she doesn't like it. Log that into your brain and choose something else next time, don't worry about it before even DOING it.

Also, I'm not trying to infantilize women here. I can see if it comes off that way, but like I said, it's about taking all the worry and mental stress off the woman you're with. If you're a real man, then wouldn't you WANT your woman to be able to live life on easy mode? Isn't that what we're working towards? What we're saving money for? You don't need vast amounts of money to do it, you just need to put in the effort to be thoughtful and actually think about taking care of her.

Obviously, there are times where she'll want to make suggestions or plan things out, but she'll gladly do that if you take on this role of being a provider and it won't feel like a chore to her.

If you can do this for your girl, then I guarantee she'll be in love with you.

There's things of course like just being a good person and what not, but that's the baseline, the default. Just because you're a good person doesn't mean women will be attracted to you, that's the bare minimum.

And I say all this as someone who's considered very attractive by a lot of women. I thought my looks could carry me throughout many of my relationships, but after a certain point they got sick of me because I wouldn't do anything that was based on this provider mindset. For a large part of my life, I didn't even have a driver's license, and there's only so much a woman can take having to drive her man around. But once I worked on myself and became the provider that I should have been, I haven't struggled with women since.

But this is just my experience, so take it with a grain of salt.


  • Be a man and provide for your woman. Not just monetarily, but in every way that you can.

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