I have been with my children's father since I Was 19 and he was 27. I met him because my half sister knew his younger brother. Long story short, after I gave birth to my daughter he become aggressive and verbally abusive. He pushed me up against walls, screamed in my face, stand on me, spit on me and punch me in the face splitting my cheek. I had the cops called but no arrest and I took him back. Whenever I would drink, I would get angry and remember all the bad things. So because he knew that he baited me one night and I was hitting him because I was pissed off, he called the cops on me and I went to jail for assault. I know I should have been left him but I was weak.

This last November I took the car (it's in his name) and left with my kids to another state. He threatened to have me arrested if I didn't bring back his car so I did. I stayed in a shelter with my kids for four months until he convinced me to go back to him. My parents are deceased for some time now and my immediate family (my aunt and half sister) are useless. They love to tell me what I should do but I have PTSD from the things I've experienced with them as a kid. I have no friends and anyone to call for help. Now I have an outstanding warrant for the previous arrest. I'm here and I am stuck again.

I'm in school but don't have a job and don't know where to start. I don't want to rip my kids out of their schools to start this shit over again. I am scared, confused, and lonely.

;TL;DR I am looking for advice and support with my current situation.

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