Men of Reddit, i need your advice.

I (26F) joined my current company 8 months ago at which point my manager introduced me to this guy (28M) who sat across from him. We went for a coffee to the pantry and had a lovely conversation. After that i realized i had a crush on him and starting ignoring him. He's super duper handsome.

A couple of months later, i messaged him on his birthday and said we should catch up soon. And he never responded to it! I thought he wasn't interested at all / had a partner so i dropped it and checked him out very subtly ever so often.

Fast forward another two months, i sit in the pod across from him now and every single time i walk in, i catch him looking at me (& no that's not because im in his peripheral vision). I've also caught him looking at me when we pass each other in the office (he's smiled and said hi a couple of times that made me really shy but also made my week). I found out that he's single, and I can't really tell if he's interested or not. But I definitely am! How should I approach this? Should I just let this be a work crush and forget about it? Should I let him approach me?

Any advice here would be helpful !!

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