Men, What are your life hacks for reducing sweat?

  1. Powder. There’s this one powder, costs a bomb, but it stops your balls sweating and it doesn’t mix with water.

  2. Not drink as much water (wouldn’t recommend that), wear an anti-perspirant, or stay in a climate controlled environment that doesn’t make one sweat.

  3. when its hot i have compression pants made of sweat wicking material and also i do a lot of sitting down

  4. The best way I’ve found is this:

    I shower in the morning, then air dry in aircon to avoid humidity.

    Then I call mum, she works from home, to bring me breakfast. This is great because I dont have to stop playing games and I dont have to worry about sweating because of moving around a lot.

    Afterwards I have my midmorning nap/rest, to keep my heartrate from elevating. When I wake up mummy has already prepared my lunch and left it on my side table along side my freshly charged controller. This way I dont even have to get out of bed until later.

    It’s basically the same for dinner, except I dont nap before. And every other day my maid collects my “nonny bottles” and pan unless I’ve been super regular then dad gets them at night after I’ve gone to sleep.

    Imo it’s pretty easy to not sweat, I think people are just to uppity and act like they cant rely on others to help them.

  5. Become Pharoah, lie down, be fed grapes and fanned with palm leaves.

  6. I wanted to share a story. Never had a sweating problem. Then, for like three years, I had a big sweating problem. One day, I figured it might be related to the statin pills my doctor said had no side effects. Stopped taking them. I’m fine now. Cholesterol is through the roof, but fuck it! I like my eggs, yo!

  7. Doctor prescribed Drysol. Itā€™s the only thing that works. Iā€™m in great shape but sweat all the time. My feet, hands, and pits just drop sweat constantly even in freezing temperatures. It sucks massive ass.

  8. I’m constantly sweating, and the best thing I do to deal with it is just lay down and really just embrace it until you get used to it. My brothers birthday was yesterday, and we were outside all day in 90 degree weather, with about 80% humidity, so it felt more like 100 or so.

    You get used to it after a while, and it actually slows down after about an hour.

    This is just from my experience, though.

  9. If you’re fat, get rid of the fat. Otherwise just wear less and cooler clothing and stay out of the sun.

  10. Excessive sweating is a condition called hyperhidrosis. There are a number of treatments. One I use is prescription Oxybutynin. Works wonders for me. Ask a dermatologist about some options and also read up in the subreddit.

  11. I cut out caffeine and sugary drinks. Lost about 10 pounds in 6 months ish and didnt sweat nearly as much after. Fixed my diet and lost even more weight after that and dont really sweat much at all anymore. If its underarms sweat, put pads in your shirt pits. If its back sweat and you have an office job, get a chair with a mesh backrest to help heat escape. If your car has remote start, make sure AC is on full blast before you leave the car so you can cool it down while walking to your car. Bring icewater everywhere with you if you can. Use antiperspirant deodorants. Could be anxiety related, talk to a doctor. Maybe look at getting botox in problem areas.

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