While we were together for 5 years my ex broke up with me dozens of times and was verbally and emotionally abusive. Now he calls me every so often and says he wants to be together and tries to get me to send him nudes and asks for sex and then when I refuse he ignores me completely. Then when I get upset he says I am crazy and he never wants to speak to me again. This is really upsetting to me. He says he only wants a FWB relationship and nothing more, so when I ask for me he just ignores me and has me blocked everywhere like I am not a human being.

It is affecting me mentally and emotionally. I try to cut him out but I am finding it impossible.

What can I do?

Tl;dr – my ex reaches out and plays with my feelings

  1. He’s never going to respect you or care what you think. That’s just not an option on the table. So you have a choice: stay and be abused or leave.

  2. “I try to cut him out but I am finding it impossible.”

    Think of him posting your nudes online and millions of people seeing them. People like family, future employers, and creepy mother fuckers.

  3. Block him. Go on tinder you will find someone fast. It’s not hard. Don’t waste your 30s in an abusive relationship that will never get better. Go out and meet some people. He will hear you are and try and contact you and sooner or later call you something (probably guessing slut) based on him seeing you living your life. He is your past time to go forward in time.

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