I am 24, male. I have two jobs, one is a classic 9-5 Mon-Fri where I am an employee, and the other is an online business I own which I only work in the evening/weekends. It is not a hobby, I don't do it 'for fun'. You might ask then why do you not keep your own business only, but it's a long story. TL;DR it's not the safest thing in the world so I want to have an alternative if things go south.

I LOVE doing what I do, but problem is, my free time is very limited. When I come back from the 9-5 work, I usually go to the gym, go back home, then work 2-3 hours on the online business, then sleep. And repeat, and repeat. Even on weekends I spend about 20 hours on it (Saturday & Sunday combined). I don't really chill.

However, I do this every other week. Which means 2 weeks of the month (out of the 4) I am more free and I only work on the 9-5 job, so in the afternoons/weekends I can do things.

Long story short, I have been seeing this girl. We click a lot, been on one date so far but more to come very soon. I really like her and she likes me. However I feel so pessimistic about this. I feel like she will not accept/understand my situation, or anyone I meet in general. I don't think anyone will be fine with me staying home every other weekend and working instead of spending time with them. Of course at night I can make some time to go for a drink on Saturday only (2-3 hours), but not more than that.

This won't be my first relationship ever, but it will be my first with such limited time. I really need some advice on how to deal with this. I am not sure if it's all in my head but I have serious doubts anyone would be cool with it. Thank you.

TL;DR Working on two jobs (one I am an employee and the other one I own), very limited free time. A bit more free time every other week of the month. I have been seeing this girl and we click a lot. However I have a big fear she won't be cool with me having such limited time, or anyone in general, especially at the age I am. I need advice on how I can balance things our or your general opinion about this. Thanks a lot.

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