I live with my girlfriend and I've started noticing that she disregards what I want. For example yesterday I was sat playing a video game. It was quite a dark game so I closed the curtains as I could not see the screen properly with the sun coming into the room.

My girlfriend arrives home and immediately goes to open the curtains. I explain why they're closed but she still goes to open them anyway. I ask her to leave them for 15 mins while I finish up then she can open then. She refuses and just says she wants them open and that they should be open.

I tell her 15 mins isn't going to hurt but she just opens them so I can't see what I'm doing. We usually go to the gym together but yesterday I was felling quite burnt out. When my girlfriend mentioned going I just said I was going to sit it out and stay home. She got annoyed and said she wants to go.

I pointed out she's an adult and can go on her own and she doesn't ned me to go with her. She just said it doesn't matter and that she won't go then and kept going on about it trying to get me to agree to go with her.

I got annoyed with her at this point and just asked her why she thinks it's only what she wants that matters. She said I'm wrong and I just stated the examples given and a few others. I mentioned she clearly disregard what I want and just thinks about herself.

She said I was being cruel to her and making her feel bad but I just said if she's feeling bad then she should look at her behaviour then. She just again said that I was being too harsh towards her.

Does anyone have any other views or perspectives on this or any advice on how to handle it?

tl;dr my girlfriend seems to disregard what I want and only thinks of herself. When I pointed this out to her she accused me of making her feel bad and called me cruel.

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