What are you thinking about when you’re “doing nothing”?

  1. Literally nothing, I’m able to go totally blank and disassociate hard.

  2. Nothing. Im just enjoying the “nothing box” as a user on another post on this sub said.

  3. Can be anything, how i’d look with a light sabre,

    What are some weird food combinations

    Or i’m literally staring into space thinking of nothing and just being a vegetable.

  4. Toucans, they are very sociable and can’t hold enough food in their stomach for one day

    They have to take breaks eating to digest

  5. It’s like a shower thoughts moment, but you’re in the comfort of a well grooved chair

  6. Can be anywhere from nothing to saving the day from a Russian invasion

  7. Recent thoughts while doing nothing:

    * “I should put a big scoop of the cold brew and boba ice cream into the cold brew tomorrow and make a cold brew float” (this was outstanding btw)
    * “Do geese all speak the same language? If so, do they have different dialects?”
    * “How much money does a Dave Matthews cover band make? Who would watch a Dave Matthews cover band when the real Dave Matthews Band is renowned for its live performances?”

  8. Literally nothing. My girlfriend’s head nearly exploded when I explained that I can actually just be thinking nothing. Like the lights are on but nobody is home.

  9. Speaking not as a male but as an ahdh anxious depressed dude, usually My head is like tv static… Some toughts flashing through, but mainly noise… Sometimes it goes like when You put the programming setting on tv and it goes through all channels like in two minutes, and just every single thing is goin in My mind at súper speed…

    Thats why i get stuck on doin nothing, cause i’m just… Overwhelmed, overburned…

  10. “How many times could I go through a roundabout before the police stop me?”

    “I should probably clean the grill”

    “How the hell does the `Reader` monad work?”

    “I left a big bag of gummy bears in my car on a hot day, and it turned into a gigantic gummy Visceroid. I tried it, and it still tasted fine but just felt wrong for some reason. I dunno why, there’s no particular reason why gummies have to be bear shaped.”

    “Why was Nod so unbalanced in Tiberian Sun? Didn’t the developers playtest the game and find themselves always getting rekt by GDI?”

    None of this stuff is fit for my wife’s ears; not because it’s offensive, but because it is so utterly and profoundly dumb that I prefer to pretend that I’m actually thinking about nothing.

  11. my brain is in a constant state of making stuff up to make and rethinking stuff im making or ive already designed.

    i normally say nothing whenever i know for a fact that trying to explain the thing to someone will both make me seem like a madman and bore the shit outta that personm

  12. I have a near-constant internal monologue, so I’m always talking to myself in my head. The topics are as diverse as the things I talk to other people about, but the most common thing I think about is computational models of cognition. I try to notice new things about my behavior and/or experiences and try to understand how they get computed in terms of sensory and cognitive input and behavioral and cognitive output, and trying to imagine a grand computational model of all of these behaviors/experiences, such that I develop a mental model of human intelligence at kind of a high level, low resolution perspective (meaning I don’t define the model in terms of individual neural connections, but in terms of categorical computational components, like information processing procedures, categories of information structure, types of experiences and sensations, etc.). I try to write down the model as I hypothesize new parts of it, but programming charts of it come out looking super messy, because output from each processing unit gets sent to so many other processing units that the chart ends up with too many arrows to read.

  13. The next thing I have to do, that I’m putting off by doing nothing

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