I swear I see this as a door finally opening my first love ex of 11 year relationship contacted me we broke off once we hit 30 and we both in our late teens and twenties while together concentrated hard on a domestic life that fell apart. We both experienced our primes in and peaks in our 30’s mine took me down at 39 when I lost a baby by another man but was doing all sorts of crazy things to make up for time lost in my 20’s I partied hard and gained a street reputation the opposite of everything he had known me to be for him I don’t know much just that he’s now dissatisfied with life but knows who I am and the only person who deep down knows where my heart is which is why I connect he’s looking for a partner but talking to me now a lot, giving me cues that he wants to get back together but mind you when we were together young I weighed 330+ pounds he criticized me over my weight and how unnatractive was but I lost the weight a while ago and had a glow up since then which was what made me a bit out of control for a while. It was like having a new body and being someone else for me. We were together for 11 years been separated for a decade should I give this another go? I’m a year and a few months out of an abusive relationship with someone else that has curbed me a bit with more patience and wisdom, and I’m a lot nicer and softer now. He was my first everything first kiss first boyfriend the one who took my virginity.

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