I am 37 M US, I am autistic. I have still never been in a relationship before. This summer I have been asking a serious of questions on Reddit asking how I might be able to get into a romantic relationship. The most frequent advice I get is that I need to have my own friends and a social circle.

Other than family I simply do not have any friends, and I am part of no social group of any sort. This on its own does not bother me. I can theoretically understand the appeal of having friends. I wish I had a best friend or some lifelong friends. But since I do not, I do not miss their absence. And I feel little personal desire to make new friends.

Obviously, the advice often given is to go to hobby groups and try to meet people with similar interests. The thing is I abhor any kind of group organized activity. It does not matter what type of group or what type of activity people are participating in. I simply do not like being around a group of organized people. I have no hobby that would involve people gathering together. I hate group think. I deplore whenever people act superior to other people for any reason (seriously feel free to test me on that, I simply do not judge other people the same way most people seem to). Even the most innocuous group I can think of, like a hiking group, is going to be all about hiking and talking about hiking. I would never enjoy myself in a group like that.

At this point my personality and taste are what they are. I do not ever see myself enjoying group settings to any degree. I am not really sure what paths or opportunities I might have to make friends. I am plenty happy and content without friends. But I would like to be in a romantic relationship.

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