I read up on the history of the donkey and the elephant


but at this point, isn't a donkey a self-defeating brand?

  1. Have you seen what we call our sports teams? We have multiple Major League Baseball teams named after socks.

    It’s basically just a logo. Nobody cares or even really thinks about it

  2. Donkeys are badasses.

    It’s not uncommon for farmers to have a donkey to help watch their hens and other critters because they will stomp the ever living shit out of predators. Snake? Fox? Coyote? Doesn’t matter, donkey is gonna get pissed and fucking crush its skull. They are incredibly territorial and mean as hell when they feel something has entered their territory that isn’t supposed to be there.

    Edit: Also, in other weird politic associations. Why do Republicans associate themselves with the color red, which is typically associated with communist parties? Sometimes things are just arbitrary.

  3. Because when something is meant to mock you, but instead you embrace it, that’s not self defeating.

    Plus, donkeys are cool.

    I say this as someone who has never, and will never, vote for a Democrat, but it has nothing to do with the donkey lol

  4. If it were self-defeating I think we would have seen evidence of this some time in the past 200 years. Yet they are one of only two major political parties that garner votes.

  5. The logos are never used outside of major political gatherings, most citizens would never notice if they disappeared or changed.

  6. Did y’all hear about an escaped donkey living with a herd of elk!? Wild stuff. Google it.

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