My bf of 11 months was the best man in a wedding this past weekend. I asked him if he wanted me to go with him in May, because I was confused why he hadn’t officially invited me yet and I figured he was going to get around to it. He told me that he “already got his plane ticket and hotel room” and that he already rsvp’d. I thought it was weird since the wedding was only a four hour drive away, but I didn’t want to press things. We had dinner with his parents that same night and they asked about me going and he told them basically the same thing, but they asked about him driving there and he made no mention of a plane ticket. I said right there I thought he was flying and he told me he never said that. Coincidentally, they had an invite for the same wedding on the table and I couldn’t help but notice the rsvps weren’t due for several more weeks. The week after, I met his friend who was getting married and his fiancée. We hit it off and they invited me and I had to uncomfortably explain to them that I don’t think he wants me to go. They said they would leave it up to him but they would love to have me there. A few weeks later we got in an argument about him lying and I told him I knew he was lying about the wedding. I knew he didn’t buy a plane ticket and he STILL tried to double down and tell me he was planning on it. He drove, ofc. Eventually he told me he just didn’t want me there bc he has so many responsibilities as best man and he just wanted to enjoy the night with his friends bc they won’t get many more of those. It was a whole weekend event and he said it would be weird for me to be there basically. I accepted this and told him I would have understood that from the beginning and I only felt uneasy now bc he felt the need to lie. I thought I could handle it but I felt so hurt this weekend. He kept calling me and telling me about everyone and their partners and I just find it a little strange that it wasn’t “weird” for them to have their SO present. I’m gutted and I’m not sure why he did this or what it means. I don’t think he was cheating or going with anyone else, he did a pretty good job of staying in touch, and yes I left him alone and let him enjoy the night with his friends. I let him text me when he wanted to and he didn’t call at all, which I didn’t make a fuss over. It just hurts really bad to think he simply didn’t want me there. Thoughts?

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