In what ways is your life different from this time last year?

  1. I was stressed out at work last year and this year I get to continue being stressed out about work but also while being in graduate school. 🫠

  2. I thought my biggest problems were repairing my career and recovering from PPD. Neither have happened and I’ve found much bigger fish to fry. Love being a mom.

  3. Going outside more, way more stamina to do things because I have been exercising for 9 months or so. But making less money compared to last year

  4. I was so much happier last year I feel like and I just miss the vibes honestly Also I was enjoying school

  5. This time last year I was healing from a miscarriage, this year I am holding my first born and feeling so blessed.

  6. Last year in summer I weighed around 30lbs more than I do now. I can finally walk into a Shop and find pretty clothes that actually fit me and it’s the first summer in 8 years where I‘m wearing a short sleeved shirt without some cardigan or anything on top.

  7. I’m married and pregnant following IVF treatment. All the good things.

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