I (20M) am not much of a traveler, in fact I'm a huge homebody, but I had some flight credit from a cancelled trip to visit family, so I thought I would take a vacation this summer. I took the week off work and flew to Tucson AZ. I tend to get a little mopey and homesick in new areas, so I came out planning to just take it easy, see the area, and try to relax and get some me time. But a couple days in I REALLY miss my apartment back home and my partner (20M). We have been together for two years.

It's not like I can't function without him, but I can't help but think I would be having so much more fun if I had just skipped the vacation and spent my week off hanging out at home with him. But most people really enjoy vacations and time away from regular life. I've been super stressed with work, family, and other life things so I really expected it to be a breath of fresh air to just be somewhere else for a bit, yet I can't wait to go back home and just be with my partner. Is this normal or do I have some kind of separation anxiety?

TL;DR: I really miss my home and my partner while I should be enjoying myself on vacation. Is this normal?

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