My wife and I(both 36) been together for 13 years/ married for almost 6 have a hit a rather rut in our marriage. I have been always the one that works while she stays home with our children(11/2). We never reallly had shouting matches and anytime if we foight would last a bit but then things would calm down. I have recently started counceling due to my anger managment and hot temper. In the last few weeks she has told me she doesnt love me like she use too, and she felt like this since we bought our home 4 years ago. We use to always live with people(inlaws and friends) till we moved out on our own

She recently took my advice to go to a therapist to help with what she is feeling and why. I have asked her why she feels like this and if she wants to even save our marriage, and i usually get the i dont know. I still show her affection, randomly hug her, tell and text her i love her. She has said she doesnt say i love you cause she doesnt want to give me false hope, this baffles me and gives me a gut wrench feeling when she says it.

Should i just put on a brave face and just go with the counseling and hope that pur marriage can be saved. I know she hasnt cheated but i feel like in a one side relationship

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