I’ve been in a relationship with my partner for almost 6 months and this is my first relationship (and first healthy one at that!) in a long time. He’s sweet, loving, and kind and I know he cares a lot about me and always expresses that he wants to be there for me.

I was having a very bad day yesterday (personal stuff coupled with some external stuff that happened with friends) and I was texting him about it (he is currently back home to see family). He was texting me for a few hours and sending me really thoughtful messages which I appreciated and expressed that. A few hours later, I suggested that we have a phone call, because I miss him, it’s been a bad day, and I don’t want to text. His response to that was that he can’t because he’s with family at the moment and can’t leave, but he loves me and we can talk tomorrow (he’s coming home and we have plans). Even though it seems reasonable, a part of me was a little shocked that he wouldn’t have just hopped out to make a call for a few minutes. If roles were reversed, I really would have made the time and I thought your partner was supposed to be the #1 person you depend on for things?

I don’t know if I have high/unreasonable expectations or if this is something to be genuinely upset about. I just want to know I can always depend on a partner for emotional support when I need it and I’m a bit upset because it’s not quite what I expected.

TLDR: I was having a bad day and texting my partner about it, but he said he couldn’t call me when I asked because he was with family. I expected him to make time because I would and now I’m upset about it.

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