I have an "issue" where I change my body language, tone, and how I talk with each person I talk to. Sometimes I'll be really shy and be extremely quiet, and other times I'll be really really loud, there's people I talk to in a "omg hey girl whats good" tone? It's not even about how close I am to the person, I think i unconsciously match their energy if you know what I mean.

This is kind of a problem, because just imagine the shyest person you know being the loudest person in the room and talking way too much. I feel like they think I'm being fake or have a split personality thing.

Sometimes this happens with the same people too, I'll be extroverted and being a leader one day and the next I'll have no social battery and just not talk.

It actually could just be my social battery draining really fast, but is there any way to help against this?

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