My fiancee and I got engaged a few months ago after 6 years of dating. For the past 1.5 years, I went from hinting to straight up asking when he would propose. He said that he didn’t really care about marriage and that nothing would change (for context, we already live together) so it wasn’t priority for him. Eventually, however, he proposed and I said yes.

It seems silly given that I basically begged for him to propose but now I’m considering calling it off. While I certainly love him a lot, he’s more of a roommate than a fiancee. Our sex life when we first started dating was good, but it has slowly tapered off. I’ve tried to initiate but he says he’s tired and eventually I got tired of asking and getting denied. In the past year, we’ve probably had sex around 10 times. He is also not affectionate in other ways— he hates cuddling and kissing so we rarely have physical contact. We’ve discussed this a lot before and nothing has really changed.

I’ve always pictured my future husband as someone that I’m just very in love with. Kissing in the morning, having sex 3-4 times a week with, grabbing my ass when walking by, basically the kind of mushy that your kids say “ew” about. I don’t know if that’s just an unrealistic dream though. My fiancee is really great and supportive in so many other ways, so I’m scared to end things for something that I could probably live with, but I’m also scared that I’ll be deeply unhappy in like 10 years because of this.

TLDR: Should I (27f) end my engagement with my fiancee (27m) because of our sex life?

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