Some post about wanting sex and some post about not wanting to be sexual. Are there some who are sexual and their partner cheats anyway, or some who have sexual partners but you’ve cheated anyway?

  1. There’s no need for this question to be gendered in this way. The same things can be true regardless of gender. Consider reposting in a way that doesn’t play into tired stereotypes.

  2. Not sure the wording matters that much. It’s a question not an stereo type gender assignment.

    The answer I am sure would be yes. PEOPLE who are having sex with their PARTNER still can cheated. The better reaction would be to ask why the question. Does the fact that they are having sex with their spouse or not having sex with their spouse change how wrong it is to cheat. There is NOTHING that justifies cheating. Not drinking not drug not lack of sex, nothing makes it ok.

    Cheating is a choice and that choice has consequences for everyone involved

  3. I know of a female pastor who made it part of her ministry to say ‘yes’ to her husband any time he wanted. He cheated on her with several women.

  4. Men and women alike can both cheat on their partners regardless of sexual frequency.

  5. Most affairs aren’t usually about sex. At least not at the start and even once one starts that’s (sex) usually not the sole focus. Cheaters don’t usually sleep with a bunch of people, pick the best lay, and then have an affair with that person. Affairs usually (of course not always) start out as friendships that cross a line and then they’re a multi-faceted relationship like any other sexual relationship where of course sex is part of it but the relationship to the other person (conversation, flirting, validation, experiences, novelty, thrill etc…) is just as much a part of it as the sex.

    I think you’re asking if someone in a satisfying committed sexual relationship can cheat and of course the answer is yes for a variety of reasons.

  6. Hi, I did a search “Why do people cheat.” There was a study a few years ago involving 500 heterosexuals who’d cheated. Here are the reasons why, with the percentage of respondents listing this reason, as reported by Psychology Today:


    Hope this helps in some way.

    Here is another one stating it’s not related to sex: [](

    I’m highly sexual. I love intimate sex multiple times per day even at 52. I was in a dead bedroom for 25 years, and so sexually miserable for most of that time, but never cheated or even considered cheating. That’s my own story.

  7. I think if a man has trouble controlling and tempering his sexual desires, in general that leaves him open to the temptation to cheat. It requires compartmentalizing those thoughts to only your spouse. I truly believe most women aren’t into sex with their husbands because it’s just not very good, they aren’t orgasming or he is inattentive outside the bedroom. I think people who do have a sexual marriage cheat and I think those that don’t cheat.

  8. This is not exactly what you asked, but I was in a long term committed relationship with a woman, and we had a good sex life. It didn’t stop her from cheating on me with two different men.

  9. Cheaters gonna cheat. Doesn’t matter if their partners never turn them down for sex. Infidelity is not usually as simple as, “well, you won’t give it to me, so I’ll find it somewhere else.” It’s usually a combination of getting to a point of taking your spouse for granted/not seeing them as a person anymore (which can happen even if all sexual requirements are fulfilled—in fact, this can sometimes contribute to the reduction of one’s partner to object status) and being too chicken shit to communicate directly with your spouse when you’re feeling unhappy or unsatisfied (not just sexually).

  10. Why do you ask this solely about men? There are people of both genders that cheat while having a sex life with their spouses.

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