My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 6 years now. We have been through a lot of stuff together, since we have been together for our last teen years. When we got into university I moved across the country to where he lived so that we could go to the same university, but we usually go back together to visit my family on the other side of the country during the summer.

However, about a year and a half ago we broke up for almost a year. During this time he met another guy (M34) and they started dating.

January this year we both moved overseas for university (6 months) and the day after we left our country his now former boyfriend cheated on him resulting in them breaking up. Months passed in the foreign country and we talked things out and eventually got back together.

When we arrived back to our country we were doing pretty great, but it didn’t take long until I noticed that he was texting his ex. I confronted him about it and he told me that he had no intention of continuing with his relationship with him, but since things ended so abruptly with them breaking up over the phone that he still needed some closure, and wanted to ask me if it was okay for him to go visit him and spend one last night with him to do that.

It broke my heart but I understood where he was coming from so I agreed with the condition that it would all be over and we could just focus on us. He agreed to this and met him one last time.

At this point we had already bought plane tickets for visiting my family across the country. And since he visited his ex we started getting into a lot of arguments so I decided to get plane tickets to visit my family before so we could spend some time apart.

It has done us well and we are back to normal, except for the fact that he kept telling me that he was feeling very lonely since I left. Last night he told me he was meeting this guy to go to the beach just as friends and I told him that that wasn’t what we had agreed on and he talked about how it was a bad idea and that he didn’t think it was right meeting him either, even though he assured that things wouldn’t get romantic.

The thing is that I just called him and he told me he was with his ex at the beach, so I just said “have fun” and hung up the phone.

What I’m worried about is, his plane ticket is scheduled for the day after tomorrow and I was very excited for him to come and even made a reservation for a trip that I already paid since his birthday is coming up soon. I feel very betrayed and I was wondering if I should tell him not to come but I just can’t make up my mind. What would you do? Do you think it’s fine for him to meet his ex like this even when it has been 2 weeks since they had the “closure-meet-up”?

I think I’m going crazy here.

I know it’s a lot and I want to thank anyone for just reading this and of course for any advice I could get…

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