We've been going out for two years, amazing two years, we both love each other tremendously. I wanted us to move in together, but kept my mouth quiet as I wanted to be 100% sure first, and I dealt with some emotional issues from a long past divorce.

We both knew that's thing might not have worked out due to me working through things and she made the decision eventually to break us up mainly for my sake. It was a very sad mutual breakup as we both love each other, but I know it's been because of my cautiousness. I never told her about my thoughts as moving in as mentioned, but now after we split, it's been two months and a mutual friend told me that she told him in private she's sad that I didn't mention us moving in together, that I wasn't mentioning us in our future.

I gathered jk the courage to break no contact and message her and ask for us to speak as I want to speak to her about having her in my future, but she replied and said that she doesn't think that she wants to try again.

Now I know just based on that most people including myself would just suggest to Bite the bullet accept that it's a loss and stay away, but I know 100% that this is miscommunication from my part as I'm absolutely horrible at explaining my thoughts as I'm diagnosed ADHD and I think I'm slightly autistic… Also, I know 100% that she loves me and might be saying this as she doesn't want to feel like this is forcing me into this decision that I offered but didn't communicate properly.

I just need some absolutely unbiased opinions, as I'm someone who really struggles with emotions and emotional interpretation. I really do love this girl and the more I've had time for myself the more I realise that I want to spend a very long time with this girl as a potential life partner, and don't want to lose her, but I'm really stupid on when to chase when to respect, especially seeing the circumstances I'm in.

Any insight will be highly appreciated. Thank you. ♥️

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