It's so frustrating. I work with my brother and whenever I'm around my brother I always have the absolute worst social experiences. It goes like this: I have to meet someone, say hi, smile, whatever. Except my brother inconsideratly steps directly in front of me when meeting that person, and carries on the conversation. Now the flow is messed up, we awkwardly glance at each other, I don't say hi, they think I'm rude. Then 5 minutes have passed of me silently standing there as they talk, and it's too much time to butt in and try to be friendly or introduce myself.

On top of this, my brother uses me as the butt of his jokes, uses me to make himself look good, whatever. He has this pretense of "laugh at my weird brother" which makes everyone dislike me. Sooo many people think I'm a weirdo because I stay silent and have bad manners because of this exact situation happening repeatedly. Its ruined my self confidence.

  1. i recommend you laugh or and make yourself known and then try butting in then or wait for a lull and ask a question relating to what’s being discussed

  2. I think you should confront your brother about this, tell him to not butt in

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