Online dating as a dude sucks. I don’t even care that much about looks, just looking for someone that seems nice and will love me. It’s so rare for us to get matches and all these women find it so easy to literally just breath and get matches.

The times I do get matches half the time they never even respond. I’ve tried to change up my openers so it’s not the typical “Hey how are you” and i’ll pick something in their profile and try to be witty. Still nothing

And if they do respond they either say thanks to a compliment and never talk to you again, or they will match, make it seem great and agree to a date, just to either ghost you or block you before it.

I’ve setup more than 5 dates in the past month that have fell through because i’ve either been ghosted or blocked. I can never find the happy medium.

I try not to text TOO much, i try to text more, I try to wait a little before setting up a date, i try to set a date quicker so i’m not leading on. Nothing works and everything always falls through.

I’m not just looking for some random hookup and I’m a great texter, a decent looking dude with a lot of passion and love to give someone. I’m losing hope in this generation and am starting to resent dating. All i want is to find my partner and i’m so fucking discouraged and disappointed all the time

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